Stamattina escursione ai 4444 Scalini.
Partenza da Valstagna sentiero 778 e Alta Via del Tabacco a 150 mt slm, arrivo a Sasso di Asiago 960 mt slm lunghezza salita 7 km. Tempo 1h 35min. Discesa per sentiero 778b poi innesto nel 778 e Alta via del Tabacco.
Molto suggestiva con passaggi tra canyon e dirupi scoscesi.
questo blog vuole essere un contenitore di commenti meteo e di racconti di escursioni a contatto con la natura.
sabato 31 marzo 2012
giovedì 29 marzo 2012
Congiunzione Venere e le Pleiadi
Il tre aprile 2012 si verificherà la congiunzione tra Venere e le Pleiadi, evento tra i principali fenomeni astronomici del 2012, che si ripete ciclicamente ogni otto anni.
La periodicità di otto anni deriva dal fatto che il rapporto tra il periodo di rivoluzione di Venere e quello della Terra coincide quasi esattamente con 13/8: ciò significa che quando la Terra ha compiuto 8 rivoluzioni (in 2922 giorni circa), Venere ne ha compiute 13, e i due pianeti si ritrovano quasi esattamente nella stessa posizione di otto anni prima.
La foto è relativa al 3 aprile 2004: Venere appare circa 700 volte più luminosa di Alcyone, la stella più brillante fra le “Sette sorelle”. Venere dista circa 5 minuti luce, Alcyone 400 anni.
Incontri inaspettati
Nella mia uscita in MTB lungo il Brenta fino a Strà ho avuto in incontro inaspettato ma piacevole, un gregge di pecore proprio lungo la ciclabile. Per fortuna la MTB non si fa problemi e con un fuori pista non previsto ho evitato il passaggio tra le pecore. Quasi a Strà ho incontrato un secondo gregge questa volta però sulla sponda opposta.
lunedì 26 marzo 2012
Mentre da noi ormai è primavera piena, a nord in Lapponia finlandese siamo ancora in pieno inverno. La foto mostra la località di Utsjoki ancora con la neve e temperatura di -10 gradi.
lunedì 19 marzo 2012
Il tempo oggi
Oggi dopo molti giorni finalmente è tornata un po' di pioggia, poca solo 4 mm, ne abbiamo bisogno di una quantità maggiore vista la siccità che ci ha colpito. Verso le 12 il secondo temporale della stagione, nella foto sotto si vedono molto bene le nubi cumuliformi (quelle più rosa) con accenno anche ad overshootingtop.
domenica 18 marzo 2012
Trekking sui Colli Euganei
Mattinata dedicata ad un po' di allenamento in vista delle prossime uscite in escursione. Ho scelto il sentiero del Monte Grande sui Colli Euganei. È un'ottima palestra naturale con punti impegnativi.
mercoledì 14 marzo 2012
Iditarod 40 - The Winner
Dallas Seavey is 40th Iditarod Champion!
Dallas Seavey, the youngest musher to ever win the Iditarod, and the third generation of champion Seavey mushers, reached the Burled Arch in Nome today at 7:29. After almost 9 full days on the trail, Dallas is the new champion, and proud owner of a new Dodge pick up truck! If you didn’t get a chance to stream the live finish with us, you can look forward to a post-race recap podcast!
Dallas Seavey, the youngest musher to ever win the Iditarod, and the third generation of champion Seavey mushers, reached the Burled Arch in Nome today at 7:29. After almost 9 full days on the trail, Dallas is the new champion, and proud owner of a new Dodge pick up truck! If you didn’t get a chance to stream the live finish with us, you can look forward to a post-race recap podcast!
martedì 13 marzo 2012
Iditarod The Last Great Race
As of 11:30am Alaska Time, the top three mushers are out on the trail and on their way to Nome. Upsets coming out of White Mountain are basically unheard of in the Iditarod, but just for fun, we thought we would figure out what it would take.
Currently, Dallas is 51 miles from Nome, Aliy is 58 miles away, and Ramey is 62. Now we know that Ramey is the last person you want closing in on you on that section of the trail. Literally, the last… well, Ramey’s brother Cim wouldn’t be any fun either. At the current distance, Aliy could overtake Dallas if she runs nearly a FULL mile per hour faster than he does, the entire way to Nome. Ramey could upset both Aliy and Dallas if he runs a full 1.6mph faster than the leader to the finish line, and thus he can overtake Aliy and come in second if he runs just slightly over half a mile per hour faster than she does
Currently, Dallas is 51 miles from Nome, Aliy is 58 miles away, and Ramey is 62. Now we know that Ramey is the last person you want closing in on you on that section of the trail. Literally, the last… well, Ramey’s brother Cim wouldn’t be any fun either. At the current distance, Aliy could overtake Dallas if she runs nearly a FULL mile per hour faster than he does, the entire way to Nome. Ramey could upset both Aliy and Dallas if he runs a full 1.6mph faster than the leader to the finish line, and thus he can overtake Aliy and come in second if he runs just slightly over half a mile per hour faster than she does
Iditarod 40
I primi hanno lasciato da poco il terz'ultimo checkpoint di White Mountain per raggiungere di gran carriera l'arrivo a Nome.
Race Standings
1 Dallas Seavey
Bib 34 OUT OF White Mountain
AT 03-13 08:22
2 Aliy Zirkle
Bib 14 OUT OF White Mountain
AT 03-13 09:25
3 Ramey Smyth
Bib 21 OUT OF White Mountain
AT 03-13 10:17
4 Aaron Burmeister
Bib 44 IN TO White Mountain
AT 03-13 03:50
5 Peter Kaiser
Bib 28 IN TO White Mountain
AT 03-13 06:55
Race Standings
1 Dallas Seavey
Bib 34 OUT OF White Mountain
AT 03-13 08:22
2 Aliy Zirkle
Bib 14 OUT OF White Mountain
AT 03-13 09:25
3 Ramey Smyth
Bib 21 OUT OF White Mountain
AT 03-13 10:17
4 Aaron Burmeister
Bib 44 IN TO White Mountain
AT 03-13 03:50
5 Peter Kaiser
Bib 28 IN TO White Mountain
AT 03-13 06:55
venerdì 9 marzo 2012
Iditarod 40
For the second time in 14 hours, Aliy Zirkle snatched the Iditarod lead from Mitch Seavey by blasting through a checkpoint while Seavey was resting. This time, though, her lead comes with an asterisk. Seavey, along with son Dallas, second to reach Ruby, are taking eight-hour layovers at the checkpoint. 11:03 AM
giovedì 8 marzo 2012
Iditarod 40
Race Standings
1 Jim Lanier
Bib 3 OUT OF Ophir
AT 03-07 23:25
2 Trent Herbst
Bib 16 OUT OF Ophir
AT 03-08 00:35
3 Mitch Seavey
Bib 35 OUT OF Ophir
AT 03-08 03:52
4 Aliy Zirkle
Bib 14 OUT OF Ophir
AT 03-08 04:01
5 Dallas Seavey
Bib 34 OUT OF Ophir
AT 03-08 04:13
1 Jim Lanier
Bib 3 OUT OF Ophir
AT 03-07 23:25
2 Trent Herbst
Bib 16 OUT OF Ophir
AT 03-08 00:35
3 Mitch Seavey
Bib 35 OUT OF Ophir
AT 03-08 03:52
4 Aliy Zirkle
Bib 14 OUT OF Ophir
AT 03-08 04:01
5 Dallas Seavey
Bib 34 OUT OF Ophir
AT 03-08 04:13
mercoledì 7 marzo 2012
Anomalie di Febbraio 2012
Anomalie delle precipitazioni riscontrate nel mese di febbraio 2012: bilancio complessivo di +21% rispetto alla norma, ma in realtà sul Nord (specie il settore ovest) è stato un mese molto secco. Rielaborazione grafica a cura della Redazione Meteo Giornale. Dati a cura di ISAC-CNR.
Iditarod 40
Buser padre e figlio ai primi due posti dopo il checkpoint di Takotna.
Race Standings
1 Martin Buser OUT OF Takotna
AT 03-07 08:31
2 Rohn Buser OUT OF Takotna
AT 03-07 09:45
3 Aliy Zirkle IN TO Takotna
AT 03-06 23:30
4 John Baker IN TO Takotna
AT 03-07 00:09
5 Mitch Seavey IN TO Takotna
AT 03-07 00:09
Race Standings
1 Martin Buser OUT OF Takotna
AT 03-07 08:31
2 Rohn Buser OUT OF Takotna
AT 03-07 09:45
3 Aliy Zirkle IN TO Takotna
AT 03-06 23:30
4 John Baker IN TO Takotna
AT 03-07 00:09
5 Mitch Seavey IN TO Takotna
AT 03-07 00:09
martedì 6 marzo 2012
Iditarod 40 - Last Great Race
Race Standings
1 Aliy Zirkle IN TO Nikolai
AT 03-06 09:14
2 John Baker IN TO Nikolai
AT 03-06 09:36
3 Lance Mackey IN TO Nikolai
AT 03-06 09:59
4 Hugh Neff IN TO Nikolai
AT 03-06 10:05
5 Ray Redington Jr IN TO Nikolai
AT 03-06 10:22
Aliy Zirkle nella foto
lunedì 5 marzo 2012
Iditarod 40
Posizioni dopo il primo giorno di gara
Race Standings
1 Ray Redington Jr IN TO Rainy Pass
AT 03-05 09:02
2 Hugh Neff IN TO Rainy Pass
AT 03-05 09:05
3 Aliy Zirkle IN TO Rainy Pass
AT 03-05 09:40
4 Paul Gebhardt IN TO Rainy Pass
AT 03-05 10:37
5 Cim Smyth IN TO Rainy Pass
AT 03-05 11:04
Race Standings
1 Ray Redington Jr IN TO Rainy Pass
AT 03-05 09:02
2 Hugh Neff IN TO Rainy Pass
AT 03-05 09:05
3 Aliy Zirkle IN TO Rainy Pass
AT 03-05 09:40
4 Paul Gebhardt IN TO Rainy Pass
AT 03-05 10:37
5 Cim Smyth IN TO Rainy Pass
AT 03-05 11:04
sabato 3 marzo 2012
Iditarod sister act: Twins to hit the trail
Twin sisters Anna (left) and Kristy Berington of Kasilof will both drive dog teams during the 2012 Iditarod. (MARC LESTER / Anchorage Daily News)
Anchorage Daily News
Here’s how to tell them apart.
Red hat and red-and-black sled? That’s Anna, the rookie. In the blue hat, with the blue-and-black sled, is Kristy, a two-time Iditarod finisher.
“Our mom didn’t even know she was having twins until Anna was born,” said Kristy Berington, who is five minutes older than her sister and fellow sled dog racer. “She never even got an ultrasound and our heartbeats were completely identical.”
Iditarod trail checkpoints are often something of a family reunion. Three generations of Seaveys are running this year. So are the brothers Smyth and the Redington boys. Father-and-son Busers.
But as the 975-mile trek begins this weekend, Kristy and Anna Berington are the first twins to compete in the Iditarod’s 40-year history, according to a race spokeswoman. The mushers suspect they are also the first sisters in the Iditarod and race officials can find no evidence to the contrary.
Anchorage Daily News
Here’s how to tell them apart.
Red hat and red-and-black sled? That’s Anna, the rookie. In the blue hat, with the blue-and-black sled, is Kristy, a two-time Iditarod finisher.
“Our mom didn’t even know she was having twins until Anna was born,” said Kristy Berington, who is five minutes older than her sister and fellow sled dog racer. “She never even got an ultrasound and our heartbeats were completely identical.”
Iditarod trail checkpoints are often something of a family reunion. Three generations of Seaveys are running this year. So are the brothers Smyth and the Redington boys. Father-and-son Busers.
But as the 975-mile trek begins this weekend, Kristy and Anna Berington are the first twins to compete in the Iditarod’s 40-year history, according to a race spokeswoman. The mushers suspect they are also the first sisters in the Iditarod and race officials can find no evidence to the contrary.
Iditarod 40 the last great Race
Si parte!! Finalmente dopo tanti preparativi è arrivato il gran giorno della partenza di questa splendida gara. Siamo alla numero 40. Stamattina temperatura di -4 gradi tempo coperto con una leggera nevicata. I preparativi lungo la via principale di Anchorage fervono sono le 7 del mattino (ora Alaska). Ho postato tre foto che mostrano appunto i primi preparativi e la partenza dei musher con le slitte e i cani. Gran bello spettacolo. Oggi è solo una passerella di presentazione degli equipaggi, da domani si farà sul serio. Buona fortuna.
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